The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So, yes I am a TV Series Addict, but not as much as a few years ago.
Seriously, I have watched a lot of shows. Lets see (in no particular order)...
Charmed, Alias, 24, The OC, One Tree Hill, Veronica Mars, FRIENDS, Numbers, CSI, CSI New York, CSI Miami, House, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Weeds, Sex and the City, Fraiser, Everybody loves Raymond, 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl, Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, Heroes, Tru Blood, Pushing Daisies, The Class, Lost, Scrubs, Beverly Hills 90210, Prison Break, The Office, Will and Grace, Cashmere Mafia, Lipstick Jungle, Brothers & Sisters, Chuck...
But, enough about that. Let me rant about shows that I am currently watching.
SPOILER ALERT!1. Gossip Girl
I really really love this show! Too bad the next episode is still going to air on December 18. According to E!, its gonna be a
funeral episode. I think that Bart Bass is going to die to pave way for Lily and Rufus' long awaited relationship. Maybe Lily's going to get all his money. Although, I wish that the plot lines would focus more on Nate. Its getting kindda boring, aside from the bankruptcy, the arrest of his father and the love triangle between him, Jenny and Vanessa. Hmmm, maybe its just me. :) Heads up,
Dorota is getting a web series. I know,
WTH. I swear, she is Gossip Girl.
2. Grey's Anatomy
I used to love this show especially during season 1 and 2. What happened? Changes happened. Burke got axed, Addison has her own spin-off, Erica Han got axed too, new cardio surgeon, and Melissa George's character (she is just too weird even for this show). Oh, and
Izzie is crazy. Seriously. Either that or she has an overactive imagination, so much so that she did it with a dead guy (Denny, look at the bright white light, and follow it!). This is so different from the previous seasons. However, I really like Lexie. She's really funny.
3. Chuck
Chuck is becoming a real spy, I'm so proud of him. He's not just waiting for something or someone to flash on him, he's actually helping with solving puzzles and capturing the criminals ( well, Jill). Although, I wish Bryce would come back again. I miss him. Ooh, next episode, the
Awesome family is coming! Wooo!
4. How I Met Your Mother
This show kicks ass! I cannot get enough of it. I laugh every episode, literally. From Slapsgiving, the Pineapple Incident and Barney's Bro Codes to the Wooo! Girls and the Naked Man. I love it. It's Legen... wait for it... dary! One question still remains, who IS the mother? It still saddens me that its not Robin. Ted and Robin! Oh, and this is NOT the last season (I hope). It can't be! It can't be!!! Last thing,
Cobie Smulders is pregnant. Will Robin be pregnant as well?
Yes, I only watch 4 TV shows now.
Yes, I still blog. Maybe blogging for me is a twice a year kind of thing.
Don't you just love