I went to Trinoma with Bim, Trish and Marv for last minute Christmas shopping. After 2 hours, I only had 20 pesos. Oh well. So, to kill the time I decided to stroll around and I happen to pass by the All Flip-Flops store.

There was a line before you can actually enter the store. I'm so glad I got over the Havaianas phase. I'd rather
not wait for a solid 2 hours to get a pair of flip flops.

Although I wouldn't mind getting 2 or 3 pairs for Chirstmas. *cough cough*
Pardon the low quality pictures which I only took using my camera phone.
I just turned
19! Thanks to all those who greeted me and remembered. :)
Thanks Rai, Trish, Bim, Marv and Bea. I know you guys had early classes the next day. :)

Batangas Trip actually pushed through. Good job guys!

QUOTABLE QUOTES from the trip
Marvin driving fastBea: Marvin! No faaaaast!
Marvin yawning (he's still driving btw)Trish: Marvin! No yawn!
Me losing my phone for the nth timeMe: Where's my phone?
Bianca after round 1 of drinkingBianca: (to Me) I'm so frickin' hot!!! Touch my face.
Me: Uhh..
Bianca: Touch my face.
Me: (touched her face) Yes, you are hot.
Bianca asks other people to touch her faceDiscussion about overtakingRaisa: Well you can overtake normally....
Marvin: Well this is not Germany.
Others: ....
Raisa: Er, I said normally.
Me: Hindi ko alam kung uupo ako or hihiga...
Marvin: Hindi ka naman uubohin o hihikain.
Me: Er, I said Uupo or hihiga.
Marvin still driving
Bea: No fast, Marvin!
Trish: Go fast!
Marvin: (to Bea) That's not fair.
Bea: Hindi kasi... Ano naman kasi... Wag na.Erratum. :)
Trish drivingBea: Go fast!
Marvin: (to Bea) That's not fair.
Bea: Hindi kasi... Ano naman kasi... Wag na.
Trish: Every 20 steps, may Colette's.
Bianca using Raisa's DSLRBianca: (to Trish) Gimme FHM!!
Trish: Uhhh
(Not really a quote but whatever...)
While sleepingBea gets Marvin's blanket
Marvin turns off the aircon
Bianca turns on the aircon
Bea lowers the thermostat
Bianca turns up the thermostat
Raisa hits Bianca with her arm
Jean hits Bianca with pillow
Bianca tries to breathe.
Marvin: Everyone is intoxicated! Bianca is intoxicated. Jean and Bea are intoxicated. Raisa's intoxicated. Trish is...
Trish: I'm not intoxicated. (She wasn't)
pictures stolen from marvin, raisa and trish. :)
What's Christmas gonna be like this year?? Everything is changing.
So I watched Twilight...